Glittering Flares: Breaking the Darkness in Out of the Past Victor Bruno
To the Passion Cristina Álvarez López and Adrian Martin
Time Denied: An Apotheosis of the Imaginary Alain Bergala
A Walk Through Carlito's Way Adrian Martin
Responsive Eyes and Crossing Lines: Forty Years of Looking and Reading Helen Grace
Cinema of Compassion Amelie Hastie
You See It Or You Don't: CinemaScope, Panoramic Perception and the Cinephiliac Moment Sam Roggen
Getting to Know the Big Wide World Veronika Ferdman
Accidental Specificity: Modernism from Clement Greenberg to Frank Tashlin Burke Hilsabeck
The Grandmaster: A Tour de Force Yvette Bíró
Clone this DVD! Darren Tofts
How We Got the Mob Zach Campbell
To Live (with) Cinema: Documenting Cinephilia and the Archival Impulse Rowena Santos Aquino
Crisis Cinema: Toronto International Film Festival 2013 Girish Shambu
Unspeakable Images Carlos Losilla
Notes on Contributors